and through the wire...

By hesscat

Upside Down

Around and round. Last night we drove to the Steamboat Inn and decided to walk home. Today we did the beach walk again to pick up the car. There are these massive boulders that have fallen in on each other and created a cave through to the sea, it is quite stunning. The centre photo is a panoramic view forward and backwards, not an Inception scene.

After lunch we walked around The Nearly Lost Gardens of Arbigland which are being restored, the parts that are complete are stunning, right by the beach but there is much still to do. The big tree limb is being supported by a big log. Probably deserves a revisit in 10 years.

In the evening we went for dinner at Sandyhills and afterwards took Arlo and Barley for the last walk down at the Sandybeach. I've done 5 beaches in 5 days, 2 of them twice. The beaches on the Solway coast are great, even if the tides go out a looong way. Best when the tide is in...

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