The answer
To my ‘cold’.
A stressful morning when the realisation hit me. All those books that need re writing and re branding, and me at home with a laptop not capable of doing them. Many emails and a phone call with Sam, who has rescued the situation, by contacting a print company who, as long as I could give the content would be able to prepare and rebrand, and promised the books by next Thursday.
I kind of flopped after that and spent the afternoon at a really low, feeling sorry for myself, point. Not feeling well, the counselling last night, and realisation that the weekend plans of James coming with his new girlfriend, dinner out etc were all now cancelled and once again I’m on my own. I can only keep everything crossed that I will be able to get in on Monday! I put the film on and had a good cry.
Following a message yesterday to call the doctors after 2pm to book a slot in one of their 2 day flu jab clinics, I did that today. Called at 2:10, was 21st in the queue and was answered at 2:40. All appointments gone!
It didn’t help that the Catering administrator emailed to let me know that the lunch I had planned for the team training day would be £26.50 a head! Seriously, just sandwiches, savoury bits and fruit. The simpler, sandwiches version would be £18.15 per head. How on earth can that be right. I love my team, and this is the only real treat they get, but after speaking to Stalker, we agreed that it was not justifiable. We will all bring our own lunches and already there are a couple of people who will bake a cake as well.
I’m sure someone is out to test me, because the next email, from the Brownie leader told me they needed to add a National Day of Mourning to their risk assessment and could I send her our policy! Well, I’ve never heard of such a thing and neither has google! What on earth are they thinking of?
To make the working from home complete, the teachers are all thinking about the new term, and my inbox is now full of enquiries. Not a problem, but without access to my PC and all my saved signatures, I’m going to have to reply to all of them individually tomorrow.
Covid? Well i definitely don’t feel great, but the headache eases with paracetamol, and it’s no worse than flu, but hoping I feel a bit better tomorrow, physically and emotionally.
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