Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

My little strawberry plants. They have grown a bunch, but the big question is if they will survive the winter... I'm replanting them to a larger pot this weekend and I might keep them indoors for a while longer, at least during the cold nights.
Good day in The Garden. I sprayed the chili and pepper plants in the greenhouse, since they are riddled with lice... Then I went inside to rest my feet and was 'lured' in to making handwritten labels for jars with pickled (or something like it) cucumbers... So, I wrote the name and drew some sliced cucumbers and a herb on the labels. Not used to writing and drawing 'in public', but it went ok in the end.

At home I got a message from a friend of mine. She and her wife have sent me a parcel, that arrived in Sweden and the place I can collect parcels on the 25th of August. Have I gotten a notice from the post, nope... Thankfully my friend gave me the heads up so I can collect the parcel tomorrow. She was disappointed, because she and her wife wanted it to be a surprise for me. Well, it is a surprise! How kind of them to send me something. :)
I think it'll be an early night for me...I'm so tired... I slept for an hour when I came home and wasn't sure I had the energy to go and buy milk. But,I had to go. Happy I did since tea without milk doesn't taste quite the same. :)

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