
Time was you'd come back from holiday to worry about how much email you'd have waiting for you to wade through. But, since ours was a working holiday, it wasn't my electronic mail that I needed to deal with, this morning, but the physical stuff!

It was the usual triage: junk mail in the bin, open anything that looked important, and then the rest. On which topic, I never open junk mail. Does anybody? Surely banning unsolicitied mail - or having to opt into it - would be good for the planet (and a lead to a reduction in irritation for me).

There were also a number of parcels, one of which contained this, a Strega, built by Make Noise in collaboration with the musician Alessandro Cortini. This had the potential to be a real time sink, but it looked so impenetrable, that I put it to one side. I'll get to the manuals later!

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