Year 8
In now traditional form, we have the "day before back to school" photo. It's a but crazy that we are already on the third of these (granted that's only an 18 month period!) but when I look back at her on her first day in y6, the difference is super crazy...
She had a really good day. She spent the morning in the Café. Our gorgeous manager surprised her with some back to school gifts as a thank you for her work this summer (see extra). She got to say goodbye to the adorable toddler, Hudson, that totally adores her. She got to say goodbye to her friend Emma when they popped into the cafe, and she got some of Emma's mums cake thanks to a kind gift from them. She got goodbye Steph hugs and a goodbye with our lovely Mary, who we have really loved time with this summer more than ever. She then walked home and sorted out some laundry for back to school before she walked to the park to meet Bobbins. She likes Bobbins to be in her goodbyes. They went to a different park after some kids were unpleasant. They weren't together super long but she was very happy to see her.
There was a substantial panic after she heard the dorm arrangements for this term, which put a big damper on the day as they have totally ignored the information they took from the children, they've totally ignored feedback from staff in the school, and they've let it slip out with choristers who are ahead of the others. So a calm, excited Katie was replaced with a panicked and not wanting to go back one. Thankfully, after a couple of panicked hours (and some prayer from our people!) she calmed, we managed to get the last of the packing done, and she went to bed a bit more peacefully.
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