The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Peace be with you, Paulina!

I snapped this on the way to work after a colleague texted me to say that her surgery had already had a power cut. Ours had a panic alarm test, that I didn't even notice. 

If you look carefully you'll see that the yellow barriers are still up in the street, because it is still being dug up by the utility companies. This is life in Nelson Street, Stroud. I like the Buddha in the yoga centre window, but I've never dared to go in. 

Busy day at work. I managed to close a few cases, and start a few more. Colleague A came back from holiday, we enjoyed catching up. She gave me a lift home when we finished, then I read The Oldie and ate too much home made apole tart.

Tomorrow a friend is visiting from Scotland, via Stonehenge (has anyone told her she's going thr wrong way?). 

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