
This is Bertie enjoying the freedom of the beach after we had all enjoyed a super afternoon tea at Eli’s Cafe in the lovely old fishing port of Gardenstown. Even Bertie was given dog treats to go with his water.
In the morning we had a walk out to Troup Head, Scotland’s largest mainland gannet colony where, sadly, we saw more evidence of avian flu. I feel very anxious about our bird population when I see this.
We then walked down to Pennan where part of the 1980s film “Local Hero” was filmed. However, I resisted the temptation to have my photo taken by THE red phone box, preferring to enjoy the tranquility at the other end of the village.
Next stop was at a pottery to buy our holiday mug to add you our collection.
We are now enjoying a drink in the evening sunshine. We may or may not have space for a snack later.

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