Chunky Monkey Gets messy!

Day 2 of Grannie duties with Jasper. A slightly later start than yesterday at 9am. We played for a bit in his sitting room where I rearranged a few toys to get his interest. We then came back to the cabin ready for nap time. He sleeps well outside in the buggy with the noise of the trees. 

After lunch I went wiht Daughter Number 2 to Smyths to look for a new buggy for me. I need one that navigates the fields and woods so I can still walk Bella. They didn't have anything suitable. 

Back to me for a few hours of playing, trampoline, looking at chickens and playing in the water before I walked him with Bella to the end of the lane to meet DN2 at about 4.30.

Just waiting for Mr W to bring me a Maccy D's because I've done enough for today me thinks!

Here's the chunk feeding himself a yoghurt. He's the most incredibly messy eater but has a great relationship with food. I always told the girls not to worry about them getting messy. Its all part of learning. He takes it to another level!!! Yu have to clip his long hair out the way so it stays food free for a while!!! 

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