
By Ted3

Harvest continued

We have thornless blackberries here, planted the first year we arrived. They, through selective breeding,a variety known as Origan thornless. Chosen because of my disability. My right side is slow to react to pain. 
Seven years on & the blackberry has taken over the back fence, providing cover for song birds away from pesky cats and patrolling buzzards.  
It also provides honey bees (ours) and bumblers, flies & hovers with their main summertime nectar flow.
This year we are seeing our best fruit year all round. The blackberries in particular are fabulous and i love them. 
Whether in a fruit compot for breakfast (i have every day) or stewed with pear or apple and served with icecream. Or my personal favourite, blackberry, rhubarb, apple, blackcurrant, you name it crumble.
Now im a diabetic, but i make allowances.

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