On Some Days

By V1k1

It's A Train

Christchurch to Picton  336 km or 208 miles.

I have over exposed the sky but I was excited to see the train going past on an overbridge.  This is Kaikoura where we stopped for a takeaway coffee and to stretch the legs.  It was a mild day with blue sky and the New Zealand countryside looked pretty.  There were several postcard views of sheep and lambs in green grass and snowy mountains in the distance but we had a ferry to catch and couldn't dilly dally.  In the yellow coat is the lovely daughter updating her friends with the trips progress.  
Once landed in Wellington we called in to see Finn and his parents.  He was tucking into macaroni and cheese for his tea.   We had our tea and he played happily with his toys.  Now we are relaxing in our motel and probably having an early night.  It has been a big day.    

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