
Flower on a very large vine. Hopefully there will be many more, but the vine is overtaking much of the bed it's in.  I love the blue of these morning glories and though it's impinging on a few other herbs in the area, I've been letting it flourish.  Still very warm and humid, but September isn't far behind and the air should dry out considerably.  

Myles is struggling a bit these last couple of days. He has a disease called Cushing's Disease which he has had for almost 2 years. It is characterized by an increased amount of cortisol being sent out by his adrenal glands, making him more anxious and in "fight or flight" mindset. I've been treating it homeopathically and he's done well, but he suddenly seems to be more bothered by it.  I've a call in to the vet and hopefully I'll get to talk to him tomorrow.  Does anyone have any experience with this?

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