Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Selfie time! With a zucchini plant that I was acting support for while my coworker fixed a more sustainable support. That was our work in the Garden today. At first I thought it be a quick job, but wow... I was misstaken! It took hours to unfurl, straighten, lift up and finally bind up the plants, some of them really heavy too. Managed to crack one so I had to mend it with tape. Fortunately they're hardy plants that can take that, as long as they still have sufficient water supply through the stem. 
So tired when I got home, but after lunch and a nap, I managed to get to the store for some needed shopping. On my way I found a bee and since I can't pass by a bee in distress, I managed to get it up on a leaf and carry it to a nearby flower. When we were walking, it sat on the leaf while I was talking to it. Then I had to convince it to climb over to the flower. I hope it regained some strength and could fly to somewhere safe. Such a cute little one. Sadly I didn't have my phone with me, otherwise I would've take a photo go the little beauty. Kind little one too. In the garden, the bees kind of know us, but this little one had no idea who I was or what my intentions were. And still, it sat quietly on the leaf during the walk. I love bees... can you tell? :D 

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