Akrata (the one up in the hills)

It's fair to say that the Minx's favourite restaurant of this trip is one that can be found on the square of Akrata's old town. There are actually several restaurants on the square, and we tried one of the others before discovering her favourite.

Previously, the route we've taken to get there is to drive along the coast to Akrata (the newer bit, behind the beach), turn right at the lights, and drive up the hilly road to the old town.

However, there is another way, and that involves driving *up* out of Platanos, rather than down to the coast road. We were determined to try this road before we left, and tonight was our last opportunity.

It was a beautiful drive, much of which was through groves of olive trees and vineyards, before we came to a large canyon, which we crossed, unsurprisingly, by way of a bridge. Beneath that, there was a river bed, which, like almost all the others we've seen, was completely dry*. We've talked about coming back in the spring to see them in flood.

I'm pleased to say the meal was up to the usual standard - this is the third time we've eaten there - and once again we had beautiful evening after an amazing thunderstorm this afternoon

* Or so we thought. We did find a small stream.

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