
By PaulaJ

365 at 365 . . .

. . . metres!

Just whose crazy idea was this? *Not mine, that's for sure. Seemed such a clever idea on paper. We climb to the 365th contour line on the Pike to celebrate 365 blips. Job done!

What I had forgotten was just how long ago it was since I actually climbed the Pike and just how steep it really is. I made it though and here I am. At 365 metres (almost 1200 feet sounds much more impressive though!) on my 365 blipday. Head almost in the clouds and looking over towards the village and our house, a long way below.

Some thoughts:

If anyone had told me, on the 1st of May 2012, that in the next twelve months:

- I would make so many friends. People I have met, people I may yet meet and people I will never meet, and yet all equally valued as those who share a little of their lives every day;
- I would spend time looking again at things I thought I had seen, seeing them as if for the first time;
- I would take photographs every day and actually want to make the images better (a bit further to go on this one yet!);
- I would spend time searching out sculptures, plaques, towers and stones in order to record and share the findings with interested people;
- I would find a community that is friendly, positive and supportive and to which I feel I belong;

I would not have believed them!

So I have completed a year of blips. Not only that but I have done it with no gaps and with no backblips. This in itself became a bit of a personal challenge, a determination to make technology work for me, no matter where in the world I happened to be. Sometimes it was a bit of a close call, like when we had a power cut, like when I have had to search out cafés with internet, like when the wifi access in a hotel was lost late one evening, like when the software told me I was posting into the future, just when we were about to board a plane. But with an iPhone, iPad, laptop and an extremely supportive husband, it was achieved.

I have done what I set out to do. Am I continuing? Well, I've just paid for re-registration and I'm going nowhere just yet. I may not post the most technically brilliant pictures, but what I post is always from me and my life. Places I have been, things I have seen, people I have been with, ideas that have interested me. A bit of my life anchored in that one particular day. If it interests you, please stay with me, and I'll stay with you.

*Thanks to a geographer and map-obsessive husband for suggesting, researching and organising this blip. Imagine being able to understand contour lines!!!

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