Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

On the moooovvvee

An early start before the sun was even up. With a deep mist we gathered in the 200 heifers to the yard. Some had escaped so it took a little longer than planned. The field they had escaped to was massive and the grass as tall as me so it wasnt and easy job. Once they were all in we headed off to move the 1500heifers here grazing for the summer. Some of them had escaped too. We got them all together and out the field they were in and by this stage it was getting quite hot and once we got them moving they kept headed for the shade of the trees. We tried a couple of times to get them going but decided it was a loss and best to leave them until it was cooler. Pip Breagh and Dris enjoyed their outing helping. It was nice to be doing a bit of stock work again.

"It's nice to come into an atmosphere that's uplifting and good." ~Steve Trotter

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