Lisa at the New Venue

It is 9 a.m., and Lisa had to lay her head back. I made her get up early (6:40 a.m.), and then I forced her to help me set up the display.

How did it go? It was fair. I made my average that I've been making at our farmer's market, but there really wasn't much traffic in the 5 hours that we were open. I did make three big sales, 4 paintings to a young lady, and 3 paintings to 2 other couples, but aside from those...pretty slow.

On this wall, I sold the large mahi-mahi in the center (one of my first paintings), the woodland chorus right below it, and the Michigan fish eating the tinier fish.

Weather-wise, it was a beautiful morning and the farm store we set up in front of had free popcorn. WOO-HOO!

P.S. I didn't really force her. She wanted to go with me. ;0)

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