By lizzie_birkett

Heading Northwards

We left Tonya and Yurii home alone again and headed up to Airdrie to see Sabrina, John and the girls. Except we haven’t seen Sabrina as she’s out with ex colleagues for her leaving do from Social Work at Barlinnie.
It’s been lovely seeing Amelia and Lucy and her little friend Freya. 
Amelia loves to wind Granddad up and at 10 1/2 she’s getting good at it!
John made us our tea and has been busy pottering about and tidying up. They haven’t had a chance since they came back from Spain as it was straight to work. I’ll my usual job tomorrow of sorting the clean laundry and putting it away.
The extra shows Amelia and Granddad watching Mr Bean. The kids love that programme too.

Knitting my way to Scotland

Knit one, purl one
while eating up the miles
on our way to loved ones
we haven’t seen in a while

Driving up from Yorkshire
the Dales dotted with sheep
while farmers make hay
in their barns to keep

The roads are busy 
but the weather is fine
and the Lakeland Hills
glow in the sunshine

Then across the border
we can see far, far away
the peak of Ben Lomond 
loom above the braes.

Now at last we’re here
greeted with hugs and smiles
I’ve knitted most of the back now
along those sunny miles.

And yesterday’s poem:

Friday Me Time

I’m sat on the sofa while
home life happens around me
the comings and goings 
of a now, busy household
which reminds me of the old days.
They all have places to be,
buses to catch, 
lessons, meetings, music.
Friday is a busy day,
not for me though
I’m going nowhere.
I have few commitments now
and a day to myself.
I drag smelly Bella to the bathroom
and shower her (with water and love!) 
clean up the mess from her shaking,
then it’s time for coffee for me,
a Whimzee* for the dog 
and a catch up with Blipfoto.
A perfectly peaceful day.

*Whimzees are veggie dog chews.

Goodnight, and thanks for the comments, stars and hearts this last week.
You are all so kind. ;-) X

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