Definitely Not An Anemone

SWMBO found the extension tubes I had misplaced - they had obviously fallen/rolled/been knocked underneath the spare bed. So I have been able to get some closer shots of the Anemones ...... but I am not going to bore you with them.

There was an advert popped up on the Face-Ache antisocial platform this morning for a woodturning supplies company in Cockenzie ...... and they had a 10% discount on on gouges. Just the ticket - one of mine has been sharpened away to virtually nothing.
So, with it being a nice day for a run out, we set off.
We found where the place is (Cockenzie House & Gardens) without much trouble. Finding the place inside the house was a different matter .... there are no signs despite there being something like 42 companies in it.
It transpires that there had been one complaint to the Council about signs being put up in a listed building - so signage had to be removed. An absolute joke as there is no sign of anything even remotely 'listed' inside .... just non-descript white painted corridors with loads of doors with numbers on them. Luckily the staff in the place are very helpful and act as 'tour guides' to get you where you are looking for. I am sure there are loads of interesting things and companies behind those doors (after all, the artwork on the walls must come from at least one of them) but there is nothing to tell you ... you have to be 'in the know'.

After making my purchases and having a chat with the lady we started making our way home but stopped at the harbour for a couple of shots. We both really liked the clouds over Fife.

As usual, the traffic was really heavy heading to Sheriffhall roundabout but at least it was moving constantly all the way to the lights.
However, that all changed about 200yds onto the City Bypass - when it was 1st gear, stop/start all the way to the junction at Straiton  where we came off to get a drink and something to eat.
Apparently there was an accident just past the junction - but we came home a different route and stopped off to see SWMBO's younger sister and one of our nieces who is staying there until she finds a job. She has stayed in the USA all her life but has dual citizenship. Why she wants to work here I have no idea....... but if anyone is needing an experienced HR officer .............................

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