Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Spotted Tiger

Identification - Cicindela aurulenta, spotted tiger beetle.

As usual, I paid my daily respects to the large potter wasp. This time I was more aggressive in my approach, to try and get the wasp head-on in flight. The wasp was not at all happy with me poking the stick in its face and it attacked the stick a few times, with such severity that I could easily feel the vibration. Still no shot though, so after ten minutes I moved on - next time baby.

Some good material today, including a ladybird that I was hoping to catch with its wing casings open, for a challenge with fellow blipper Marginellaman, but it didn't happen - next time baby.

I spotted a new butterfly. Quite a surprise, being a papilion, the largest and most extravagant of the butterflies. But alas, although I got enough for an ID, not good enough for a blip. I will be keeping an eye open for this one - next time baby.

And, today's blip, a new beetle for my collection and a new one for my journal. At first I thought it was a fly, but as I got my elbows on the ground and edged closer, the large antennae and wing casings identified it as a beetle.

What was really strange about this find, apart from the glorious metallic colorings and the hairy legs, was the enormous, vicious looking jaws. Obviously not a herbivore.

Usually beetles are very laborious in flight, but this tiger beetle was quick and efficient, much more like a fly or a wasp. It never flew more than a few inches above the ground, which is probably why I have not spotted it before. I don't particularly enjoy groveling in the mud, so tend to ignore the flies and ants around my feet. I will get to them all eventually though - next time baby.


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