At Cannon Hall Farm

Josh and Ruth are having a rare weekend away together, and their boys are with us for the weekend.
Luca can be quite restless at night, at the best of times. I was up with him at 1 and again at 3 last night. I left Richard to sleep, so that at least one of us would be able to function today. Both boys were up and about at 5.30 am, perhaps partly because of the excitement of this "double sleepover". Sleepover is definitely not the most accurate word :-)
Despite the lack of sleep, we all had a lovely day out at Cannon Hall Farm near Barnsley. Eben especially loved this maze, made of giant pipes.
In the midst of all this I glimpse the mass of headlines about predicted energy costs this winter. Nothing seems to elicit a sensible response from the govt, or from the two hapless candidates for PM. Where are the grown ups? Not in govt.

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