Trail camera

Food dehydrator...rubbish. Rubbish in that it costs the Earth to run with today's inflated electricity prices...

Apples were supposed to take 6 to 8 hours to crisp. 12 hours later, they are still at the rubber stage, and my smart display tells me £2 worth of electricity has been used in that time. Granted, the table top freezer and table top fridge were on, and I did boil water for a few cuppas....
It will be consigned to charity shop or the depths of the garage where I have some various modelling clays. It can air dry those at a gentle heat if needed....

Both trail cameras were fixed on the swing wooden uprights. The small trail camera scored again. Got a fox at 2 am.The big one, even though trained to where the fox appeared, did not pick Foxy up. But it did pick up Midnight all night.

Midnight is on guard every single second of the night. No wonder the poor lad is exhausted in the morning. The bigger trail camera recorded Midnight's every yawn, and every clean of his whiskers.. I had multiple x multiple 10 second video shots of that. ...YAWN....

Foxy came in just after 2 am.
Had a mooch around.
And left.

Midnight slid off the swing the moment he heard Foxy, and disappeared. 

Why didn't the bigger trail camera pick up Foxy?

Both cameras are set identically...

A cuppa needed.

My eyes will be looking skywards today...

Midnight is asleep on the swing.

I took a photo, with my Android phone, of Foxy on the small trail camera screen...

And here in extra is a kaleidoscope on Kaleidomatic of a fairy in my garden.

Have a lovely day...

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