Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The lights are going out

The heat is going off
This is the winter of our discontent
Made worse by lots of Tory guff

We’ll soon be sitting in the dark
An hour of Netflix every day
Will be our ration, we won’t pay

For more than that if we’re to eat
Fully muffled, water bottled
Sitting on a cold loo seat.

The announcement of the new energy cap means that households will have seen their power bills treble in a year. Some people will be broken by this; those living on the slimmest of margins will (according to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation) be quite literally left destitute.

Gutted to hear today that the scooter cafe is now permanently closed.

I got leafleted today by someone from our local Tory party. I followed him down the street and gave him his piece of glossy paper back. I told him quietly but firmly that this government was rubbish.

He didn’t disagree with me.

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