our wheels with golden edges

in 2016 we had a problem with the transport of E. He could no longer travel in a normal car, but had to be transported in his electric wheelchair from now on. Buying and adjusting a passenger bus is quite an expense for an average wallet, but even more if you already have a lot of extra costs that a handicap entails. We were at a loss, because how are we going to make sure that we can still get E to chess matches, family visits and so on? It was absolutely impossible financially.
After a lot of hesitation, and a lot of encouragement from people around us, we started a crowdfunding campaign. The impossible happened: within three months, everyone and everything around us collected an adapted wheelchair bus...with small, incredibly sweet gifts from people who were not having an easy time themselves, and with large unexpected donations and everything in between. More than 1500 e-mails with sweet wishes, children's drawings with cars in the mailbox... And everything equally heartwarming and overwhelming... on January 2, 2017, our most special means of transport ever arrived, with 40,000 km on the counter. Today the counter of our golden carriage passed the 100000 km limit. It is still good for many years of driving pleasure. yes, we're used to driving this bus, but we're never going to get used to the special story that comes with it...

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