From the garden

The caulis didn't grow properly but at least they were edible!
Managed to get the washing mostly dry outside today, though some drizzle late afternoon meant the bamboo socks didn't get out for a long as needed.
I also finally got the freezer defrosted. I always put it off and it's a harder job than it should be but at least it's done and I only defrosted 1 pack of rolls in the process. 
While it was doing it I went for a run and did a bit more than originally intended, especially for a run mainly on tarmac, but in the process got well over my target of 2000m climbing in the month.
An architect (who we know from the running club) came round to look at where we want the porch/shed built so she can do some plans for a building warrant and I got a little bit of gardening done once I'd harvested the veg.
I can't see how people can pay their energy bills, if we hadn't got some savings we would struggle and by no means are we poor.

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