Chunky Monkey's Get Wet - again

Had an early start with Matty and DN1 -he was up at 6!!! DN1 left for work at 8.45. Matty was a pleasure to look after though - but VERY full on - requiring your full attention at all times!!! But he did have a 2 hour sleep.

DN2 then joined us with Jasper. He had a fall this morning and has quite a shiner on his forehead! Both boys were hilarious again. I got the water buckets out again and let them play in the garden. It was quite short lived but so much fun for them both.

Mattys Daddy worked here all day but Matty was quite dismissive of him - preferring to come to me. It made Daddy Brown a bit sad.

Everyone has gone now and I'm pretty shattered. An early night is on the cards while Mr W is still away. I collect him from Lady Linda's tomorrow.

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