Cobo Beach…

Yes I realise that I could have got a much better beach photograph if I’d crossed the road but the bus was on its way…
As every day lately I woke up feeling so stiff I could barely move so took a couple of co-codamol and waited for relief. I usually doze off at this point but didn’t dare because I had to be up and dressed and off to Cobo for a blood test. So I thought that over 3 or 4 weeks I’d gone from taking an occasional paracetamol to the hospital strength co-codamol I came home with. My hip had been signed off at 6 weeks as perfect movement yet now I was spending the majority of each day lying on my bed. Sitting was becoming less and less comfortable.
Various medics kept saying I’d be told when to go back on the immuno-suppressants but meanwhile I was living a miserable life. So I decided I was going back on the Benepali. And today! My reason being I could tell my GP I had done it when I see her on Tuesday rather than say I think I will and put pressure on her. So I got an injection out of the fridge. While it was warming up I asked Dr Google what he thought. 2 weeks after the hip replacement was his thought on Versus Arthritis (so a reputable site) so 2 minutes later the deed was done.
Who knows what the outcome will be or how long it will take. All I have to go on is that when I had my very first Etanercept injection about 13 years ago I felt relief within a few days. So I’m hopeful once again!

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