New beginnings

Our maple trees have had noticeable red buds for a few days now. I love to see that happen! Today it rained all day, but not the kind of inclement weather one complains about... the kind that nourishes new growth and freshens the air. :)

I decided to try a macro of the maple buds, as they have burst apart and the flower has emerged. (It looks as though the round bud popped in half and a tiny bouquet was freed.) I had never paid much attention to the maple 'flower', but after these shots I was so interested in the little yellow and red blossoms. This is apparently how the maple tree populates. The tiny pollen grains are spread by the wind... (This is also how allergy season starts... whole other issue that I think I'll try to forget about for a day or two.) Anyway, these buds and flowers are so much prettier that I had realize with the usual passing glance. Today, made even prettier by the rain. I can't help but think of the word juicy... Big and juicy is a must for the full effect.

This shot was by far my favorite due to the explosive color and droplets of water, well, everywhere... However, I did like this one too. It's far more simple, but I love the flower reflection in the droplet.

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