Burned Trees

I was going to try to make an abstract from this, but decided I liked it just as it is...not 'normal' but decidedly not abstract. A large similar tract of land across the street had very similar burned trees to these on its slopes, but it was completely cleared last year. Presumably high end houses, which are being built all around the area, which is on a golf course, will be built on the cleared land, but new construction moves at a glacial pace despite the stated need for it. The three year anniversary of the Glass fire which burned through our neighborhood is fast approaching. These trees probably burned in the Tubbs fire which happened in 2017.

Speaking of burned trees, there is a large oak tree at the corner of our property next to a power pole. We noticed the other day that it is dead. The brown leaves never fell off, and were never replaced by new green ones and it is quite blackened around the base where fire can smolder for days. It is not clear whether it is on our property or on that of the neighbor who is not rebuilding. It will be expensive to remove it, especially if we have to have the property surveyed.

A PG&E crew was there this morning looking at the power pole. Turns out they were there about installing permanent service to house that IS being rebuilt next door and they said if the tree was in the 'line of sight' PG&E would 'probably' remove it. I don't know exactly what 'line of sight' means in this instance, but since the tree is about a foot from the power pole, I would assume it is in the line of sight. If it actually happens, it will be the first time PG&E has done something that actually benefits us. They are notorious for cutting trees but leaving piles of logs around, but we'll see.

Sonoma County is the first county in the country to ban the building of new gas stations. The state of California has announced a plan to ban the sale of vehicles with internal combustion engines by 2035. It seems appropriate that this area which has suffered so much and so dramatically from the effects of climate change should be leading the charge. Since 2017 the state has suffered firestorms, floods and landslides and severe drought. We should know....

I am overwhelmed by the love so many Blippers have showed for Ruta's quilt. I'm very touched by your comments and your hearts. Making quilts sort of evolved during the pandemic from something I had really stopped doing years ago into something that has given me great pleasure. I have donated a considerable amount of money either directly or indirectly to an organization called Food for Thought which provides food from their garden, counseling and menu planning to people with health challenges. It began as a service for people with AIDS but has expanded to those with other serious medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. I especially like the fact that they always thank me with a personal phone call and a beautiful card which is always based on the food they grow in their garden.Today I got a thank you card from them with a little 'gift' inside. If we plant the little heart in the ground or in a pot, it will produce wildflowers.

I've put a picture of it in extras. It seems particularly appropriate on a day when I have gotten so many virtual hearts from so many fellow Blippers. I will do my best to thank each of you as Food for Thought has thanked me.

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