Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Ruby Dooby's New Haircut

Today didn't have the best start..... The girls were awake before their alarm and were quick to realise that Daddy was still at home. They love him being at home and to find out that he's still in bed when they get up - they're all very excited. They had a manic few minutes and then Peach had to get ready for work and at that point it all got a little out of hand. They all got sent back to bed and told to stay there till I was ready.
In the first hour of their morning I lost count of how many times I warned, counted, threatened and shouted. I really felt I had lost control this morning; I felt that I was fighting a loosing battle that four little tear-away's had control over and were out to get me.
A morning at Twins at Totstime gave R&P they're play time. They had lots of friends there today; including "The Boys". A service we have introduced at Twins at Totstime is mobile hairdressing. A lovely local hairdresser comes to the play session to cut the children's hair. It's proving to be a great success and a great ease for myself and other families as the children can be distracted with other toys and can see their friends too. Ruby Dooby was first, she was so excited. I've been telling her that she'll be having her hair cut shorter for a while, her hair has always been quite fine but it all seems to be at different lengths with lots of new growth. The hairdresser kindly cut it quite short and has done a really lovely job of it. Ruby was so chuffed, she's been excited to show everyone today :o) Penny Pops had a trim and thoroughly enjoyed watching herself in the mirror whilst having her hair cut.
Ashleigh was busy showing off her walking skills to everyone.
We had a fabulous turnout for the play session and I absolutely love the friendships I have with all of the families.
I had a wonderful afternoon with three of my closest twin Mummy friends. We certainly turned lots of heads when four sets of twins roll up to a garden centre for lunch and play time. One onlooker was overheard saying to their companion - "go and have a look in there at all the twins". It's very easy to forget that what is the norm for you and your friends is a rarity for others. Another family was not impressed with our attempt of containing our children to one area (merely putting tables together so that we could all sit together) and moaned about us "taking over the place" - well yes my dear there are 9 children aged 3 and under, with four adults, it'll be a lot quieter and a lot less messy if we keep us all together - but hey if you really want us to take over we'll happily spread out!
Never-the-less all of our children were very well behaved and the mum's were too ;o) We had a lovely lunch and catch up and even a chance to find Nemo in the aquarium afterwards.
Aj's been quite grizzly and in need of Mummy a lot today. I'm putting it down to the two very large back teeth that are cutting through.
All in all quite a nice day with some trying times from my girlies; having said that - I wouldn't change them for the world!

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