twinned with trumpton


An early start (in hindsight, people saw my POV, but by which time, I'd missed out on 4 hours of sleep...)

Exting Embra at around 0530, a breakfast stop at the golden arches in Berwick and steady progress to Leeds festival; where the cargo was discharged. Comparing what other festival goers were taking, and their inability to carry all their stuff, it was clear that they needed redefine 'essential'.

As we left them in the queue, the drizzle descended. We scurried off to Wakefield in search of Barbara Hepworth and 60's high rises. Oh. And coffee.

Then the Yorkshire Sculpture Park (briefly) - we spent more time eating soup as the rain meant there was limited desire to plod around the grounds. 

So Sheffield beckoned; a late siesta and then into town for a potter around in a glorious sunny late summer evening; taking a bus journey in and out through some of the lesser known corners of this fine town.

The blip is from the Jaume Plensa exhibition at the Weston at the YSP. More bandwincolour

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