River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: Solitary Sunflower

Every year I start off lots of sunflower seeds, I did well last year and ended up with 6 flowering plants - this year just this ONE :-(( - BUT there’s always NEXT YEAR … haha! Gardening makes you an optimist!
Lovely sunny day, MrD decided to go onto the mainland on his motorbike and had a grand day out :-)
My gardening job was to cut out all the raspberry canes which fruited in June - Mr. Bossy Boots Robin of course appeared to supervise, and collected tasty snacks!
Whilst the secateurs were in my hand, I also cut back some of the suckers which the damson trees throw up everywhere. Then I finished by clearing the path and gave myself the afternoon off, it was also too hot …
The pink flower in today’s Blip is yet another cranesbill from the mixed seeds from Cottage Garden Seed Swap, I have another tray full to pot on.
Picked a handful of runner beans to go with my dinner.
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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