
By HareBrain

Wired - backblip

An Autumnal looking Squash on our local Allotments. 

What a busy day I’ve had, firstly #1 daughter returned from France late last evening and this morning came to visit to regale me with wonderful stories of her trip, several train journeys and a lovely long stay with her Father who she hadn’t been able to see for a few years, due to you know what.  Her two children (33 & 30)  were there for a few days and her sister too, so the few hours passed very nicely catching up on them too.  Then I was off to see another friend who I hadn’t seen in a while, and another two hours passed very nicely.  

Then followed more washing etc, a bit of gardening, packing up again for our next trip in ‘Matilda’ on Friday to Rhyl for the weekend …….  Specifically for the two day air show on the beach!! and finally prepping dinner as #1 daughter will be joining us again. 
At 11pm I feel somewhat ‘wired’ too.  Bed calls.

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