My Life With Luna

By chrisA

Walking round the garden with Luna earlier I noticed something moving very quickly, realised it was a Hummingbird Hawk Moth and went to fetch the camera.   Luckily it was still hovering around the Buddleia and I was able to get some half decent pictures.    I liked this one with his proboscis deep into the tiny floret.
An eventful day trying to keep Luna on complete rest after her x-rays yesterday revealed very slight elbow dysplasia , but more of a concern is the soft tissue injury to her joint that requires complete rest for a week,  gentle on lead exercise next week and then a gradual recovery to normal.   Quite stressful and difficult when she's usually never still for a second.
Our yellow warning of thunder storms and torrential rain amounted to a fine misty rain for a few minutes this morning and the same for about ten minutes at lunchtime.   The pots definitely need watering later !!

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