Bath time

Pidgeon taking its morning bath whilst it's buddies are eating. Taken through the window hence the reflections

Nice day quite mild with a warm breeze. Took Tanzy a walk first then called at Tesco for a couple of things and came out with 3 bags full. Thats me all over and I have a list too.

Otherwise the usual type of day a bit of this and a bit of that. Tanzy and Misty aren't together yet but we are working on it and Tanzy isn't as barky as she was at first, she just sits the other side of the glass window looking at Misty. We swap them round so they get each others scent hopefully they will be OK one day. My son said just put the baby gate on the stairs so Misty can escape and let them in  together. Not so sure about that Tanzy is a big dog and Misty's claws are lethal.

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