Simmental valley

The Simmental Valley is looking very green at the moment. Everywhere we look it appears that the farmers are out in their fields, cutting the hay. This was taken as we started to climb up on our ebikes today to our high point of Leiterli. From there we cycled down and then back up to Iffigenalp (After a short wait as traffic is only allowed up for 15 mins each hour to avoid problems on the narrow road). We had an ice cream in the auberge where we had stayed in 1996 and had said, at the time, we would come back to stay…..haven’t managed it yet but at least we visited on bikes. Bought some alpine cheese before heading back to the van. After recharging the bikes, we cycled in to Lenk for an apéro.

The extras show the Iffigfall. Plenty of water in the rivers here but sadly it is coming from glaciers.

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