Evening on the Prom

On our way back from a meal at The Boathouse with my old friend T who is visiting from New Zealand and travelling around Europe seeing family and friends. It is forty years since we last met in person, although we have been in touch via email again for the last nineteen years. It was a lovely warm evening so we sat outside and as we were finishing off, who should ride by on her bike but our neighbour and fellow mahjong player K who lived in NZ herself for ten years. She joined us for a chat for a while before cycling off again. This was taken on our way back to the flat where the three of us chatted some more - not just catching up on the past forty years but lots about where we, and the world, are now and where we might be heading.

Big Beach Busk is coming - Saturday 27th August - BlipMeet on the Prom?

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