Mike Lincoln

By Linxpix

F35 lightning

A back blip from yesterday .
Out with my eldest for lunch, to cut a long story short, we ended up at the WAVE and both had full English breakfasts lovely :-) As I was not expecting to any photography, just had my small Lumix which has a small wide angle zoom on it !! hence the rather large crop on this lightning which did about 5 passes :-) I did manage to get stung by a wasp ! Christine who runs the WAVE had some cream for it which eased the sting .  She also had something for me hidden a way 2 undersea creatures to go on my 20,000 leagues under the sea hat :-) So I will go up again today to show her the finished hat :-)
Not sure how I will get on with blipping or catching up over the next  week as for me the steampunk festival  starts tonight :-)

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