All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Higher, higher!

Ethan was a very brave boy with his Aunty Foreveryoung today as she had to take him to the Doctors for him to have his MMR booster. Despite getting an injection in each arm, he was apparently really good and didn't cry at all. That's my boy! He seemed more upset when he got home, rolled up his sleeves to show me where they did the injections and realised his plasters had fallen off!

Hubbie and I took him to our local playpark this evening. He still insists on going on the "baby swings" most of the time but wants to be pushed as high up as possible. To be fair, he did have a long shot on the "grown up swings" too although we weren't so comfortable pushing him quite as high on those ones!

Facetime with Uncle David and Aunty Judith tonight before packing a very tired Ethan off to bed.

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