pebble underneath my feet

By anjali

i've never been too good with names

Bit of a slow day today, but good overall.

After school I went to the NUT meeting to discuss Mr Gove's evil plans to destroy the teaching profession. It was my first NUT meeting as Union rep for my school and it was really good to attend and listen to all the stuff going on. I feel like people (and I would've included myself in this) really don't have a clue about what's going on. I don't understand how people can be so apathetic about stuff that is this important - really hope something big comes out of this. A massive strike with all the unions coming together to let the government know we're angry and we're not gonna put up with all this crap. As one member put it today, if we let all these things (performance pay progression policies, ridiculous changes to our terms and conditions) go through, that's's gone forever. No one's gonna give it back to us.

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