
By Flossmo


I could have cried. This morning I drove across Surrey and into Sussex to meet a friend at Leonardslee Gardens. I was really looking forward to photographing the wallabies who live there and my friend and I were stationed outside their enclosure by midday for feeding time. I got my Lumix out of my rucksack and switched it on. No memory card said the message on the back. I really cursed my stupidity as there were lots of opportunities to catch the beautiful wallabies. The extras show a couple of photographs but the resolution is poor with an iPhone at maximum telephoto. Interestingly some of the wallabies are albinos a genetic trait that is passing down the generations apparently.

The other photographs and the main are of the many sculptures dotted around the gardens. Most are for sale. I rather liked the dissolving heads but not the price tag (around £15K per head).  After the wallaby feeding we had a light lunch then walked for a couple of hours around the gardens. It was good exercise with lots of up and down hill although the high humidity made it feel a bit steamy.

I plan to go back sometime with camera AND memory card.

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