We like to ride our bicycles

Grim night
Wom was tying to take his top off, in his sleep- he’d got in a pickle and was quite distressed!
Sorted that
Then around 12:30 he was wide awake and asking if he could watch the iPad

Not sure even now if he was sleep taking or genuinely awake- moved him to floor bed- stayed with him until he settled. Couldn’t get to sleep again.

Working out money and where we can save some pennies
So many things are so expensive now
It’s madness

Went to the park
They asked to take their bikes
Munchies bike is as light as a feather and easy to manoeuvre,
Sadly we haven’t yet replaced woms and his is heavy
Got to the park - got munchies off the bike rack easily but then really struggled to get woms off!

Lots of fun on the pump track
A few falls
More fun on the park
Munchie- who had already fallen off her bike - managed to fall off the zipwire

Very chilled couple of hours
Munchie managed to fall of the skate board!


Another litter pick done- we only did one a few weeks ago. Scary amount of rubbish collected

Long baths and showers and reasonably early nights off all

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