Imagine the view....

By btc

London A-Z: Notting Hill Gate W11.., when people think about Notting Hill they usually think of the swarm of actors, musicians and media types that live in the area, if they are really unlucky they think about that god awful movie with the god awful Julia Roberts and the even worse (swap him with a plank of wood and no one would notice) Hugh Grant.

But this is London through my eyes, so Notting Hill to me means two different things, one likely to find its way into this series very soon so I won't go into it, but more than anything it means the second hand record shops that I used to frequent in my youth.

Notting Hill is the place to go to find old vinyl records (or sell them if you wish to), as well CD's, DVD's, electrical equipment, musical instruments, clothes, retro items an entire village of stores buying and selling second hand goods. Even if you are not trading it makes for interesting window shopping.

Hence a macro shot of a row of records, also look at a picture of Matthew looking confused by the whole experience called vinyl. Another lovely spring day in London, so we headed to the park for most of the day after this.

Took a lovely picture of Alex as well today, so wanted to show it off.

Another quick shout out to so many of you who seems to enjoy yesterdays Hindu Temple, if you do get the opportunity you should go and have a look.

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