You never know what you will see next!

These US Army vehicles passed through the village this afternoon. No idea where they came from or were going. We were returning from our walk.

Another tired day. R, S & Olive call in past after lunch. They came bearing gifts from the children in Canada ……I was delighted, they were gratefully received. 

We had rummaged in the garage looking for bedding for the kitties. They are still residing in the garden and are not making any attempt to return from whence they came. R has attempted to find out the owners, but no one has reported them missing. She has tried to contact a vet’s practice to get an appointment to see if they are chipped, but she is still waiting for a response. She hopes to get an appointment for Friday when she has a day off. 

R was most surprised to find that we still have a cat’s carrying cage, so has borrowed it to transport the kitties. She last saw it more than 30 years ago when we had cats, she was at school at that time.

R & S will feed and look after the kittens whilst they look for the owners or until the kittens decide to go home. They will take care of them one way or another, they won’t come to any harm. 

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