Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Banana tree

I spotted this banana tree close to our house next to the bed and breakfast.
I don’t think it actually produces any bananas.

We had a visitor come to ring with us this morning. There was a kerfuffle at the end of the service as somebody did not like the rearrangement of the pews and stood up during the notices and started shouting about it.
This person had really lost his temper and then started saying that next week’s Celtic service was disliked by everybody and should not take place! Actually a lot of people have said that they like it. I had welcomed some French visitors to the service in French but he objected to the use of French in an English church. It was actually quite upsetting to be publicly attacked in front of the whole congregation.
I tried to speak to him after the service and calm him down. It only goes to prove the old saying, “You can’t please all of the people all of the time.”

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