
By HeartFreek

Night Night Nanny.

It was the funeral of my children's Nanny today. My Ex's mother. She was a dear old Sunderland Soul who never lost her accent despite living in Portsmouth for 60 odd years. She helped me out alot when my babies were small. She loved a digestive biscuit, the Sun Newspaper, Black Magic and Whiskey. If she came to stay she would always remind me when to go and collect the children from school and loved to iron creases down the front of jeans! She made a mean date and walnut cake and sausage rolls.

She suffered from dementia for many years and was a battle to get her into a home as the ex promised her he would never do it. She lived a sad and lonely existence for a few years but is now finally at peace.

I looked after Matty for the day and Jasper went to his paternal Nanny but once the funeral was over, DN2 surprised us with a visit so I had the boys for tea. I hadn't planned any food so they had an ice lolly for pudding. Matty said "yum yum yum" with every single mouthful!!!! It was hilarious!

This clematis has finally flowered. I found it growing amongst the ferns, tied it up, nurtured it looked forward to seeing what colour it was until the deer dipped all the buds off!!! Then this flower appeared. Nanny loved her garden so this is for her. Night Night Nanny. x

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