The Peoples Story

Well it's a bit like blip really as the peoples story is a museum and is about the Life,Work & Leisure of the good people of Edinburgh from the late 1700's to the present day I headed into work this morning on the 06:40 train into Edinburgh and decided to listen to some music on the way in so it was some of the songs from Les Miserables and I was about to belt out Who Am I ! then thought Youngie you already know who you are the other passengers would just think I'm some kinda daftie well there not far wrong lol anyhow I was spare today and I started off by sorting out new amendments into my relevant manuals then headed off to Costa for my regular large Creme Brulee Latte along with a cheese and ham toastie with my lemon tart with white chocolate ganache mmm scrummy then I headed up the Royal Mile to head to The Scotsman Offices to pick up a back dated paper for an article to send off down south but whilst passing by the Old Tollbooth I took this shot looking back past The Peoples Museum and the Tollbooth Clock I had a quick wander inside and it was full of wax dummies a bit like the Dummy who is waxing lyrical to you right now haha but I did see a couple of the wax dummies that can feature in a blip shortly and may have the potential for a series but I will have to sit down and work out a script lol so my mind may go into overdrive on that one but that's for another day so this is my blip for the day where I got to sit spare with nothing to do but I work the 08:10 to Leeds tomorrow and arrive back in Edinburgh at 17:05 then there is 10 Drivers who are spare on Wednesday as not many are off or on holiday so it will be quite a rowdy morning there no doubt now then movie for the day will be "Dummy 2002" See Ya.

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