
By LifeBeginsAt22

View from my window!

I woke at half 7 in my best friends mum's bed (?!) after rolling in at half 3 from our night out (which was awesome!) and decided that it was far to bright in there for me to even think about getting back off to sleep... So, in my sleepy state I got up, escaped out the back door (the front door was locked with no key to be found!), got into my car and drove home! I got back into my bed which was wonderful until about half 11. I finally found some energy to get in the shower and ready for work!

What a long day it's been... Still full if cold and loosing my voice (not that I can complain since my Mummy's had pneumonia, who by the way is feeling better... Definitely would have rather have stayed home with her today!)

Sleepy time... Another split shift tomorrow... Mondays roll round far too often!

Emily XxX

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