Shisha Lounge

Our opposite neighbours spent months renovating their house recently, including this balcony. It got a new floor, glass wall and roof, lounge furniture and even a nice big TV. 

As it’s a south-facing sun trap, the neighbours can’t use it during the day. So they use it at night, as a TV-room, and for their son’s parties. He’s about 20, really likes to invite his friends there, and they sit chatting and smoking shisha all night.

So far, so good. They don’t listen to loud music, and everyone is allowed to smoke on their own balcony, however foul that tobacco may stink.

But I use to sleep just behind the window facing their balcony, only a few meters across our narrow residential street, and in hot summer nights I need that window open.  Now it looks as if I need to find another place to sleep, as the shisha smoke always wafts in that window, keeps me awake all night, and makes me tired and grumpy all day. 

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