Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Wednesday — Walking the Shore

Even though we are still feeling quite puny, we packed-up the pups, went to the south end beach and out onto the shore. It’s been days since we’ve been on the sand — partly because Mr. Fun just does not feel well and then we both got sick about 10 days ago and whatever we have (we think a summer sinus head cold), the fatigue is overwhelming. It is always good to be on the sand (unless the wind is blowing so hard that the sand is getting in the pup’s eyes).

We have experienced a lot of fog this month, so it was a grand moment to be on the shore to see for miles. Not long after we drove away from there the fog did roll in; I was just so thankful that we’d had a moment without fog. Every morning when I wake-up, I’m looking out the front window to discover if we can see the horizon, rather than fog.

Then we drove a few miles south to Morro Bay; we were looking for a snack; something that would not wreck our appetite for dinner but rather curb a little growling hunger. We stopped at “Tacos de Mexico,” a place which always has a line, but looks like a whole in the wall, not quite a dump. We fortunately found a big shade tree to park the car so Chloe & Mitzi could stay cool in the ocean air and not bake in the sun. We each ordered an asada taco and I wanted a side of beans and Mr. Fun ordered a side of rice. All of it was delicious. So we discovered a place new to us.

That was our Wednesday!
From California’s Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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