Birthday Boy

D is 54 today.
We had a slightly stressful morning as we decided to go for brunch at Browns in Cambridge before Poppys appointment to take her driving theory test. This took slightly longer than anticipated. Poppy and I had to go to the Cambridge Building Society to get some money out for her holiday but unfortunately, they had told her the other day to ‘Come back with your mum’ it was actually her dad who had to sign the form and he was in The Fitzwilliam taking photos. We rang him and he said he would just get her some euros from Lloyds so we hotfooted it over to Lloyds bank who took ages working out the exchange rate. After 10 minutes poppy and I decided we needed to go so we did some amazing speed walking over to Lensfield road and drove at top speed to the test place where we arrived 1 minute late. Thankfully Poppy passed! Not only did she get the euros from her dad but my dad also gave her a very generous packet of euros from him and mum.
This evening we had a Thai takeaway and baclava birthday cake and family Trivial pursuit. A lovely evening and a successful day in the end.

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